Healthy aging

Aging gracefully does not need to be out of your reach! As we age, our sleep, nutrition, exercise, strength, and stamina will experience a variety of changes. We offer a comprehensive wellness assessment of strength and balance, as well as coaching surrounding sleep, nutrition, and other related concerns to help you achieve your peak.

Did you know?…

Most people are familiar with age-related concerns like worsening vision or hearing. Did you know the vestibular system (the system which helps with balance) gradually begins to lose function with age, possibly contributing to imbalance and falls? We can help!

Better Balance

Good balance requires reliable sensory input from the vision, vestibular system (the balance system of the inner ear), and proprioceptors (sensors of position and movement in the feet and legs).

Do you experience cataracts? Macular degeneration? Peripheral Neuropathy? All of these affect your balance and we have strategies to improve your balance despite other health conditions!

We offer fun and challenging balance training.  Our strategies are targeted to address your specific changes due to aging and medical conditions.

Living well with Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease affects the whole body and not just the person diagnosed with the disease.  We understand and are able to help you prevent and address movement symptoms such as shuffling while walking, balance changes, stooped posture, difficulty utilizing your hands for writing and daily activities, and using your voice to communicate.  Exercise is Medicine and using it the right way can help slow the progression of the disease.  We are here to guide you in how to listen to your body, find the right exercise program for you, and take back your control over the disease.  

We also understand that many of the non motor symptoms are barriers for exercising and living the life you want.  We are here to coach you and provide guidance in managing your mood, your motivation, your thinking skills, your gut health and constipation, and nutrition. 

We are here to help you be YOU, not PD!

Atypical PD

You don’t have Parkinson’s….now what?

Atypical Parkinsonian disorders are progressive diseases that present with some of the signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, but usually do not respond well to drug treatment (i.e. dopamine agonists) Similar to Parkinson’s disease, atypical Parkinsonian disorders cause muscle stiffness, tremor, and problems with walking/balance and fine motor coordination.

Some examples include:

  • Psp
  • Msa
  • Corticobasilar syndrome

These diagnoses are different from typical PD and require an expert eye to manage.  And the good news is you can prevent and improve symptoms and live the life you want.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

No two people with MS are alike. And YES, it is safe and important to exercise. MS causes unique challenges to our movement, thinking skills, mood, and fatigue levels that can be frustrating.  With the right therapist you can improve the quality of each day and prevent problems that may lead to falls.  We look at the big picture with you and teach you how to manage both your movement and non motor symptoms so you can be YOU, not multiple sclerosis!

Dizziness and vertigo

What is dizziness?  Symptoms of a sense of lightheadedness or disorientation (dizziness) and/or a mild to violent spinning sensation (vertigo) can have a variety of causes: vestibular (inner ear) disorders, central nervous system disorders (such as stroke), cardiovascular problems (including low or high blood pressure), low blood sugar, or infection.

We offer a comprehensive assessment to determine what type of vestibular impairment you have to treat it effectively and efficiently.

Stroke survivors

We know that no two patients recovering from a stroke or brain injury are alike. We focus on the skills you want to improve to make each day great.  We can help you improve how your hands work, think and move better, walk better, improve your balance and get back to a normal routine.  We offer an individualized plan for each patient who walks in our door.

Peripheral neuropathy and CIDP

Stabbing, burning, tingling, or numbness getting you down? Peripheral neuropathy might be the cause!

Neuropathy occurs when your nerves malfunction because they’re damaged or destroyed.  While exercise can not cure peripheral neuropathy or CIDP, it can help! Your quality of life can improve with learning how to manage symptoms, improve your balance and prevent further injuries.

Community Wellness Classes

  • Group exercise classes
  • Aurora Parkinson’s support group
  • CEU classes for professionals
  • Education classes for the community